Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Winter Stay-cation 2011 Highlights:

1. Spending time with my girls.
Zooey & Agnes enjoying the sun!

2. Spring shopping at Lost and Found Vintage 

I was definitely in a nautical mood!

4. The Savage Seven Mexican Night
Our decorations. :)
 We ate yummy food, played pin the tail on the donkey, and drank delicious homemade Sangria. It was so much fun! 

5. House Projects
Finally put up my curtain tie-backs. 

New snake plant! 

 New dining room wall art (that I've been wanting!) from Scout

Put up my old photographs.
 Can't wait to find more.

6. Seeing FUR at the Belmont. Love this band!

Overall, a FANTASTIC stay-cation!

1 comment:

  1. OH My! I love these pics
    the fabric with lighthouse is super
